Category Archives: accidental fall

Publishing and Re-Publishing

It’s National Novel Writing Month, and I’m participating, though I’m not pushing hard to get to the 50k total. I’m working on the first book in a planned four-book baseball-themed series, with a goal of finishing a draft by the end of the year. I had about 14k going into November, so as usual for me, it’s just a matter of getting to THE END!

I’m also working on re-releasing the rest of my reverted titles from Dreamspinner. I’ve decided to go with a one-a-month plan, and each one will go into Kindle Unlimited for 90 days before wide release. I’m not doing major edits, just light clean-up here and there, so there’s no need to re-read/re-purchase (though it’s appreciated, of course!). I already released Home Field Advantage in October and En Fuego last week, and my future release plans look like this (subject to change, of course):

December: Dreams of Winters Past (four holiday-themed short stories)
January: Teaching Ben
February: Accidental Fall
March: Model Student
April: A collection of short stories, title TBD
May: Unfortunate Son
June: Wayward Son
July: Nobody’s Son (with bonus “Sons and Brothers” short story)
August: Sand & Water

On Sale! Graphite & Glitter Just 99 Cents, Plus Dreamspinner 30% Off!

graphiteglitter_400pxTwo sales to share today! First up, I’ve put my F/F novella, Graphite & Glitter, on sale for just 99 cents at all outlets through the end of the month. Links for your buying convenience:


Also, to cap off its 10th anniversary celebration, Dreamspinner Press is offering 30% off everything through the end of the month. And—just in case you didn’t know—if you buy the paperback from Dreamspinner, you get the ebook for free! Links to my Dreamspinner titles:

Unfortunate Son (Sons: Book 1): Ebook || Paperback
Wayward Son (Sons: Book 2): Ebook || Paperback
Nobody’s Son (Sons: Book 3): Ebook || Paperback
“Sons and Brothers” (Sons: Epilogue)
Sand & Water: Ebook || Paperback
Accidental Fall
En Fuego
Model Student
“Ice Cream Dreams” (All in a Day’s Work anthology): Ebook || Paperback
Home Field Advantage (Playing Ball anthology): Ebook || Paperback
“The Cabin on the Hill”
“Of Holiday Spirits, Wake-Up Calls, and Happily Ever Afters”
“Sharing Christmas”

Happy shopping!

Accidental Fall Release Week

It’s been a busy few months, to say the least, so I’m playing catch-up a lot. Last Wednesday was the re-release of my novella Accidental Fall, and I did a few blog posts and got a few reviews. J

On Saturday, September 17, MM Good Book Reviews hosted me with a post about the re-release of Accidental Fall and an excerpt.

Last Thursday, I was at Love Bytes to talk about how much I adore the city of Chicago, where Accidental Fall is set.

And this past Saturday, my regular Outside the Margins post at Prism Book Alliance was all about my favorite season of the year.

As for reviews, well, hey, I think people like the story:

The Blogger Girls: “It was an easy, light-on-angst story – which was definitely good for something in between more serious/heavy novels.”

Divine Magazine: “All the feelings between them I felt it…..all the body language…the faltering, the drooping, the flushed faces, the hitched breath, all those little signals. I loved the bubble.”

Diverse Reader: “Accidental Fall is a sweet, fluffy, fun read. Two roommates, both with secrets finding love from each other.”

The Novel Approach: “If you are looking for a cute and quick read that doesn’t get too angsty and leaves you with a smile, this story could definitely be for you.”

Rainbow Book Reviews: “If you’re looking for a story about real guys with real issues, if you like them to have a past that influences current behavior, and if a slowly growing sexual and emotional tension that grips you and doesn’t let you go are your thing, then you will probably like this novella.”

Oh My Shelves: “It was sweet short new adult story. Both guys have time to grow and figure out if this is what they want. I enjoyed it.”

Alpha Book Club: “The chemistry it sweet and shy at first building as the story progresses. The story has a pretty steady pace with a HEA ending.”

In other news, last night sent my next novella, Heart & Soul, off to a final beta. I’m working on scheduling a cover reveal (it’s another gorgeous AngstyG design), and the release date is set for November. And meanwhile, I’m working steadily away on Graphite & Glitter, another novella for self-publishing and my first F/F story. Woot!

Currently writing: Graphite & Glitter (~23%)

Release Day! Accidental Fall Now Available

Accidental Fall is now available! This novella is a re-release, previously titled Accidental Love and published by Amber Allure in 2012. Only small edits have been made.

When it comes to relationships, college roommates Greg and Keith are polar opposites. A recovering addict, Greg avoids sex because it’s too closely tied in his mind with the alcohol and drugs he gave up. In contrast, Keith protects his heart by limiting sex to one-night stands and weekend flings.

As the two get to know each other better, they feel drawn together, and slowly they take tentative steps toward something real. Their attraction soon flares hot, but Greg’s fears overwhelm him, sending him running. It’s up to Keith to help Greg learn to trust in himself—and in the way they feel about each other.

Buy links:
Dreamspinner Press
All Romance

Cover and Preorder for Accidental Fall

I’ve been so busy getting things ready for the release of Tongue & Groove that I almost forgot I have another novella coming next month! On September 21, Dreamspinner Press will re-release Accidental Fall (formerly titled Accidental Love when Amber Allure originally published it in 2012). It’s undergone only minor edits in addition to the title change, and Paul Richmond made a lovely new cover for it. 🙂


So pretty!

You can preorder from Dreamspinner right here. Other links coming soon. 🙂

Cover Reveal This Week, and More!

First up: this coming Friday, July 15, Joyfully Jay will be hosting the cover reveal for my next novella, Tongue & Groove, which will release on August 29. The Amazon preorder link will go live this week, with other sites to follow.

Also, Inked Rainbow Reads gave Rhythm & Blues not one, but TWO great reviews. Check them out!

And finally, I have two stories that will be re-published over the next few months. I’ll be self-publishing my erotic BDSM sci-fi romance short “Fringes” in a few weeks (exact date TBD), and Dreamspinner Press will re-release my college-roommates-to-lovers novella Accidental Fall (formerly titled Accidental Love) on September 21. Look for cover art and buy links for both soon.

Currently writing: Heart & Soul, M/M novella (~23%)

Updates, We’ve Got Updates!

A quick check-in from the midst of the whirlwind. After a dayjob conference in Denver last week, I spent the weekend working on the next novella (due to my editor the first weekend in June) and helping get ready for the roomie’s (JP Barnaby’s) family to come visit. I’ll be spending this coming weekend in Orlando going to Disney, which cuts into my writing time by a lot, but considering I keep doing a lot of writing on airplanes (2,300 words on the flights to and from Denver), I should be able to make some progress anyway.

(For the record, the tentative release date for Tongue & Groove is August 29.)

Rhythm&Blues_webIn the meantime, I’ve sent the final proof corrections for Rhythm & Blues to the formatter. As soon as that’s done, I’ll get the files uploaded to AllRomance and Draft2Digital, so non-Amazon order links should start showing up soon. Less than a month until release now! (And thank you to those who have pre-ordered so far. <3)

I also have a tentative release date for my next Dreamspinner novella, Accidental Fall, which is a re-release of a former Amber Allure title. Look for that on September 21.

Still to come: a third M/M novella, and then probably an F/F one, if life cooperates. That’ll take me into early 2017, and we’ll see where things go from there. 🙂

Currently writing: Tongue & Groove, M/M novella (~66%)