Category Archives: f/f

Cover Reveal: HARD DRIVE

Hi all! Long time, no talk! Sorry about that. It has been Quite A Year (and a half, or so).

I’m here today to happily reveal the cover of my next book, Hard Drive, which is set to release on October 18 from Entangled Publishing. It’s an F/F college sports nerd/jock romance.

Y’all ready for Eve and Annie? Well, here you go:


Cover art by the fabulous Bree Archer.

More info, including full blurb and preorder links, coming soon. Keep an eye out!

Pride Month Sale! Get My F/F Novella Graphite & Glitter for Just 99 Cents

Image showing the cover of my novella Graphite & Glitter and advertising at 99-cent sale for Pride Month

Happy Pride! To celebrate, I’m offering my F/F novella Graphite & Glitter for just 99 cents all month long. The details:

All that glitters might just be gold.

Adrienne Michaels’s best friend is getting married, and Adrienne’s not feeling it on the night of the bachelorette party. Then she meets Tessa Smith, bass player for an all-female glam rock tribute band. After a one-night stand worthy of the hottest rock star fantasies, Tessa surprises Adrienne by asking her on a real date, and Adrienne soon finds Tessa’s side gig pales in comparison to the down-to-earth music geek beneath the glitter. Tessa even helps Adrienne through a family loss, but when Tessa gets a sweet job offer in another city, Adrienne has to make a choice: let her go, follow her halfway across the country—or become part of the reason for her to stay.


Graphite & Glitter On Sale

I’ve just put my F/F novella Graphite & Glitter on sale for just 99 cents through March 31. Here’s all the info:

All that glitters might just be gold.

Adrienne Michaels’s best friend is getting married, and Adrienne’s not feeling it on the night of the bachelorette party. Then she meets Tessa Smith, bass player for an all-female glam rock tribute band. After a one-night stand worthy of the hottest rock star fantasies, Tessa surprises Adrienne by asking her on a real date, and Adrienne soon finds Tessa’s side gig pales in comparison to the down-to-earth music geek beneath the glitter. Tessa even helps Adrienne through a family loss, but when Tessa gets a sweet job offer in another city, Adrienne has to make a choice: let her go, follow her halfway across the country—or become part of the reason for her to stay.

Books2Read Universal Link

Self-Publishing and Sales Channels

This is basically self-publishing navel-gazing, so feel free to skip it. But if you’re interested, here are some thoughts on sales and distribution as a self-published author.

For my original self-published books, I’ve been using three primary publishing routes: Amazon, PayHip, and Draft2Digital. Draft2Digital distributes to Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks*, and several other smaller retailers and subscription services. They also keep adding new distribution channels, and so far, I’ve added my books to those as they’ve come available.

What that means is that my four original self-published novellas and the bundle are available a bunch of different places beyond the big names: Inktera, 24Symbols, Scribd, Tolino, and Playster. You can also get them through Kobo’s subscription service, Kobo Plus.

(*A note about iBooks: the publishing requirements for iBooks are more strict than those for other retailers, which is why only the Hands On bundle is available through that channel. That might change at some point.)

As far as the second-edition stories I’ve self-pubbed, so far, I’ve only put them up on Amazon (and into Kindle Unlimited). I will have a collection of previously published short stories coming later this year, and that one will likely go into other sales channels as well.

At any rate, if you can’t find my books on your favorite retailer’s website, drop me a line and let me know, and I’ll look into it!

On Sale! Graphite & Glitter Just 99 Cents, Plus Dreamspinner 30% Off!

graphiteglitter_400pxTwo sales to share today! First up, I’ve put my F/F novella, Graphite & Glitter, on sale for just 99 cents at all outlets through the end of the month. Links for your buying convenience:


Also, to cap off its 10th anniversary celebration, Dreamspinner Press is offering 30% off everything through the end of the month. And—just in case you didn’t know—if you buy the paperback from Dreamspinner, you get the ebook for free! Links to my Dreamspinner titles:

Unfortunate Son (Sons: Book 1): Ebook || Paperback
Wayward Son (Sons: Book 2): Ebook || Paperback
Nobody’s Son (Sons: Book 3): Ebook || Paperback
“Sons and Brothers” (Sons: Epilogue)
Sand & Water: Ebook || Paperback
Accidental Fall
En Fuego
Model Student
“Ice Cream Dreams” (All in a Day’s Work anthology): Ebook || Paperback
Home Field Advantage (Playing Ball anthology): Ebook || Paperback
“The Cabin on the Hill”
“Of Holiday Spirits, Wake-Up Calls, and Happily Ever Afters”
“Sharing Christmas”

Happy shopping!

Release Day for Hands On!

It’s here! My new bundle Hands On contains the M/M novellas Rhythm & Blues, Tongue & Groove, and Heart & Soul and the F/F novella Graphite & Glitter.


Four novellas, four couples, four romances.

Rhythm & Blues
When life tears apart your dream, build a new one.

Former Broadway dancer Pate Hawkins meets model-gorgeous contractor Ace Samson when he answers as request for an estimate on renovating his studio space. The two men develop a fledgling relationship, but then the siren song of the stage calls Pate back…

Tongue & Groove
Sometimes home is what two hearts make of it.

While healing from a vocal cord injury, rock singer Saul Wilder decides to restore home his grandmother left him. When home renovation specialist Perry Abrams arrives to assess the job, Saul’s on board with mixing business with a little pleasure…

Heart & Soul
Love can sneak up on you in the last place you’d expect.

Pianist Kellen Grady meets former pro football player Terrence Harvey when he and his brother buy the bar where Kellen plays at night. A quick friendship develops, but their relationship takes an unexpected turn when Terrence surprises Kellen with a kiss…

Graphite & Glitter
All that glitters might just be gold.

On the night of her best friend’s bachelorette party, architect Adrienne Michaels has a scorching one-night stand with Tessa Smith, bass player for an all-female glam rock tribute band. Then Tessa surprises her by asking her on a real date…

You can get Hands On for just $3.99 through Monday, May 15!

Barnes & Noble

Graphite & Glitter Links

A quick post to put all the info for Graphite & Glitter in one place for easy linking. 🙂


All that glitters might just be gold.

Adrienne Michaels’ best friend is getting married, and Adrienne’s not feeling it on the night of the bachelorette party. Then she meets Tessa Smith, bass player for an all-female glam rock tribute band. After a one-night stand worthy of the hottest rock star fantasies, Tessa surprises Adrienne by asking her on a real date, and Adrienne soon finds Tessa’s side gig pales in comparison to the down-to-earth music geek beneath the glitter. Tessa even helps Adrienne through a family loss, but when Tessa gets a sweet job offer in another city, Adrienne has to make a choice: let her go, follow her halfway across the country—or become part of the reason for her to stay.


Coming Soon: Graphite & Glitter

I’m excited to share the information for my first F/F story. Graphite & Glitter is slated for release on February 27, and it has another absolutely gorgeous cover by the amazing Angsty G.



All that glitters might just be gold.

Adrienne Michaels’ best friend is getting married, and Adrienne’s not feeling it on the night of the bachelorette party. Then she meets Tessa Smith, bass player for an all-female glam rock tribute band. After a one-night stand worthy of the hottest rock star fantasies, Tessa surprises Adrienne by asking her on a real date, and Adrienne soon finds Tessa’s side gig pales in comparison to the down-to-earth music geek beneath the glitter. Tessa even helps Adrienne through a family loss, but when Tessa gets a sweet job offer in another city, Adrienne has to make a choice: let her go, follow her halfway across the country—or become part of the reason for her to stay.

Preorder at Amazon

Add on Goodreads

What’s Coming Down the Pike

A few updates on what I’ve got cookin’…

Weekend after next, I’m heading over to Birmingham for the Southern Magic Romance reader luncheon. I’ll be co-hosting a table with the fabulous Aidee Ladnier. There’s still time to sign up if you’re in the area!

On the writing front, my next novella, Heart & Soul, is all set to release on November 14. It’s a contemporary M/M about a jazz pianist and a former pro football player. Links are in the sidebar over to the right.

Next is Graphite & Glitter, my first F/F story, which I’m revising now for a release date in January. It’s a contemporary about an artist/architect and a bass player/violinist. I’m eagerly awaiting the cover!

In November, I’ll be working on Help Wanted: Boyfriend, my first M/F category romance contemporary romance. I’m not officially signing up for NaNo this year, but I’m hoping to finish the first draft by the end of the month anyway. (I’m about 8k into it already.) I’ll be going the publisher route with that one, so it’ll be a while before I have any idea of a release date.

A college sports series is next on my list, though scheduling is always subject to change. I have a backlog of story ideas that’ll keep me going for a while—and that’s not counting the new plotbunnies that always crop up!