Category Archives: heart & soul

Rainbow Awards Winner On Sale!

HandsOn-900I am excited to announce that my novella bundle Hands On won Best LGBT Anthology/Collection in the 2017 Rainbow Awards. Hands On was also a runner-up (fourth) in the overall LGBT category.

In addition to the judges, I have to give a big shout-out to my editors. Rhonda Merwarth (a RITA Award winner as an editor) was my primary editor for all four novellas, and Tasha L. Harrison also edited Heart & Soul. Thanks so much, ladies!

To celebrate, I’ve dropped the price of Hands On from $5.99 down to $3.99. It’ll take a little time to trickle out to all the sales channels, except PayHip, which is an instant update, so you can grab it there right now.

Hands On contains three full-length (~25,000 words) novellas, three M/M and one F/F. One of the novellas, Tongue & Groove, was a finalist in the 2017 Kathryn Hayes “When Sparks Fly” Contest of the New York City chapter of Romance Writers of America. And the gorgeous cover art is, as all of the individual covers were, by the fabulous AngstyG.

Buy links:

Barnes & Noble
All others

More info:

Four novellas, four couples, four romances.

Rhythm & Blues

When life tears apart your dream, build a new one.

Former Broadway dancer Pate Hawkins meets model-gorgeous contractor Ace Samson when he answers as request for an estimate on renovating his studio space. The two men develop a fledgling relationship, but then the siren song of the stage calls Pate back…

Tongue & Groove

Sometimes home is what two hearts make of it.

While healing from a vocal cord injury, rock singer Saul Wilder decides to restore home his grandmother left him. When home renovation specialist Perry Abrams arrives to assess the job, Saul’s on board with mixing business with a little pleasure…

Heart & Soul

Love can sneak up on you in the last place you’d expect.

Pianist Kellen Grady meets former pro football player Terrence Harvey when he and his brother buy the bar where Kellen plays at night. A quick friendship develops, but their relationship takes an unexpected turn when Terrence surprises Kellen with a kiss…

Graphite & Glitter

All that glitters might just be gold.

On the night of her best friends bachelorette party, architect Adrienne Michaels has a scorching one-night stand with Tessa Smith, bass player for an all-female glam rock tribute band. Then Tessa surprises her by asking her on a real date…

Rainbow Awards: Honorable Mention for Hands On

I woke up to some pretty cool news this morning. My novella bundle Hands On has won an Honorable Mention in the 2017 Rainbow Awards! (In this contest, a score of at least 36 out of 40 from at least one judge earns an Honorable Mention; these awards are separate from the finalist lists.)

Judges’ comments:

1) A well planned anthology, good collection of stories that were long enough to have a real plot development and characters all interesting and stories that had a soid background that make the collection understandable right from the start. I really enjoyed this book.
2) I found myself getting caught up in each individual story. The characters held my interest and I loved finding out about their lives.

Thanks to the judges and to Elisa Rolle for organizing the contest!

Buy links:
Barnes & Noble

Self-Publishing and Sales Channels

This is basically self-publishing navel-gazing, so feel free to skip it. But if you’re interested, here are some thoughts on sales and distribution as a self-published author.

For my original self-published books, I’ve been using three primary publishing routes: Amazon, PayHip, and Draft2Digital. Draft2Digital distributes to Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks*, and several other smaller retailers and subscription services. They also keep adding new distribution channels, and so far, I’ve added my books to those as they’ve come available.

What that means is that my four original self-published novellas and the bundle are available a bunch of different places beyond the big names: Inktera, 24Symbols, Scribd, Tolino, and Playster. You can also get them through Kobo’s subscription service, Kobo Plus.

(*A note about iBooks: the publishing requirements for iBooks are more strict than those for other retailers, which is why only the Hands On bundle is available through that channel. That might change at some point.)

As far as the second-edition stories I’ve self-pubbed, so far, I’ve only put them up on Amazon (and into Kindle Unlimited). I will have a collection of previously published short stories coming later this year, and that one will likely go into other sales channels as well.

At any rate, if you can’t find my books on your favorite retailer’s website, drop me a line and let me know, and I’ll look into it!

Release Day for Hands On!

It’s here! My new bundle Hands On contains the M/M novellas Rhythm & Blues, Tongue & Groove, and Heart & Soul and the F/F novella Graphite & Glitter.


Four novellas, four couples, four romances.

Rhythm & Blues
When life tears apart your dream, build a new one.

Former Broadway dancer Pate Hawkins meets model-gorgeous contractor Ace Samson when he answers as request for an estimate on renovating his studio space. The two men develop a fledgling relationship, but then the siren song of the stage calls Pate back…

Tongue & Groove
Sometimes home is what two hearts make of it.

While healing from a vocal cord injury, rock singer Saul Wilder decides to restore home his grandmother left him. When home renovation specialist Perry Abrams arrives to assess the job, Saul’s on board with mixing business with a little pleasure…

Heart & Soul
Love can sneak up on you in the last place you’d expect.

Pianist Kellen Grady meets former pro football player Terrence Harvey when he and his brother buy the bar where Kellen plays at night. A quick friendship develops, but their relationship takes an unexpected turn when Terrence surprises Kellen with a kiss…

Graphite & Glitter
All that glitters might just be gold.

On the night of her best friend’s bachelorette party, architect Adrienne Michaels has a scorching one-night stand with Tessa Smith, bass player for an all-female glam rock tribute band. Then Tessa surprises her by asking her on a real date…

You can get Hands On for just $3.99 through Monday, May 15!

Barnes & Noble

Cover Reveal and Preorder: Hands On

As part of gearing up for the RT Convention, I’ve decided to release a bundle of my four self-published novellas. Hands On contains the M/M novellas Rhythm & Blues, Tongue & Groove, and Heart & Soul and the F/F novella Graphite & Glitter. AngstyG made me pretty new cover art, too!


Four novellas, four couples, four romances.

Rhythm & Blues

When life tears apart your dream, build a new one.

Former Broadway dancer Pate Hawkins meets model-gorgeous contractor Ace Samson when he answers as request for an estimate on renovating his studio space. The two men develop a fledgling relationship, but then the siren song of the stage calls Pate back…

Tongue & Groove

Sometimes home is what two hearts make of it.

While healing from a vocal cord injury, rock singer Saul Wilder decides to restore home his grandmother left him. When home renovation specialist Perry Abrams arrives to assess the job, Saul’s on board with mixing business with a little pleasure…

Heart & Soul

Love can sneak up on you in the last place you’d expect.

Pianist Kellen Grady meets former pro football player Terrence Harvey when he and his brother buy the bar where Kellen plays at night. A quick friendship develops, but their relationship takes an unexpected turn when Terrence surprises Kellen with a kiss…

Graphite & Glitter

All that glitters might just be gold.

On the night of her best friend’s bachelorette party, architect Adrienne Michaels has a scorching one-night stand with Tessa Smith, bass player for an all-female glam rock tribute band. Then Tessa surprises her by asking her on a real date…

Hands On will release on Tuesday, May 2, with a special RT release price of just $3.99. That’s right: four full-length novellas for a buck apiece. The sale price will be good for two weeks, through Monday, May 15.

Preorder links:


Barnes & Noble




Enjoy! And hope to see some of you at RT. 🙂

On Sale! Heart & Soul Is Just 99 Cents

My novella Heart & Soul is on sale this week for just 99 cents. It’s up at PayHip now, and the price change is working its way through to the other retailers. Grab your copy now! 🙂

heartsoul_webHeart & Soul

Publication date: November 14, 2016

Love can sneak up on you in the last place you’d expect.

Kellen Grady has known he’s gay since he was a teenager, but he’s never been that interested in dating. A professional pianist, he’s happy spending his days teaching students of all ages and his nights working and playing at an Atlanta bar and concert venue. When former pro football player Terrence Harvey and his brother buy the bar, Kellen’s thrown by the change to his routine, but he develops a quick friendship with Terrence, drawn to his sunny nature and sharp mind. Then their relationship takes a turn when Terrence surprises Kellen with a kiss. The unexpected action, though not unwelcome, leaves Kellen faced with reevaluating everything he thought he knew—about Terrence, and about himself.


Cyber Monday Sales and Holiday Reads


It’s Cyber Monday sale time! Today only, get a 50% rebate on any of my titles at All Romance. That means you can buy any two of my self-published novellas and then use the rebate to pay for the third one!

Rhythm & Blues
Tongue & Groove
Heart & Soul
All Titles

Over at the Dreamspinner website, you can get 35% off any ebook through today. All of my Dreamspinner titles are discounted, including two Christmas stories that are available only on the Dreamspinner website.

“Of Holiday Spirits, Wake-Up Calls, and Happily Ever Afters”
“Sharing Christmas”
All Titles

InFromtheCold_CoversmallButtBabesInBoyland_coverAs a reminder, my holiday short story “In from the Cold” is available at Amazon, either to buy or to read for free as part of Kindle Unlimited. And you can also pick up the Butt Babes in Boyland holiday-themed anthology, which includes my short story “The Half-Life of Pumpkin Pie,” while you’re stocking up at All Romance.

Happy shopping!

Heart & Soul Release Week and Reviews

A quick recap of my guest blog posts for the release of Heart & Soul and some awesome reviews!

For release day, I visited Prism Book Alliance to talk about how music relates to writing in my world.

Then I stopped by From Top to Bottom Reviews for a discussion of Kellen’s demisexuality.

Finally, over at The Novel Approach, I talked about the kinds of research I do for my stories.

And a few of the reviews so far…

Divine Magazine: “The main characters were both extremely lovable and they fit together like a glove. The chemistry and connection they shared was undeniable and jumped off the pages at you.”

Hearts on Fire: “If you like gentle romances that is more character driven than sex driven, I believe you will like this one. And usually, the best compliment you can give is to say I enjoyed this book so much, I’d love to read about these characters again, even though this was a very satisfying read.”

Joyfully Jay: “This was a light, easy, wonderful read. There’s no angst here, not really. It’s just about two guys finding each other, having loving, supportive families, and how their lives intertwine almost effortlessly.”

Two Chicks Obsessed: “Overall the story was a nice little light read, kind of short but I only mention that cuz I could have read more about these two, I wasn’t ready for it to end.”

Just Love Romance: “If you’re in the market for a light, heartwarming read, then you usually can’t go wrong with Shae Connor’s works. She has a knack for throwing hot characters into sweet relationships, and Heart & Soul is prime example of this.”

Sinfully: “Recommended reading if you enjoy low-angst, close-knit family stories with romance rather than heat.”

Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words: “I enjoy the author’s writing style and appreciate the sense of family, warmth, and connection she brings to her books, not to mention the light touch of humor and a load of romance.  I highly recommend this one to lovers of romance, slow burn, and/or stories featuring musicians.”


Love can sneak up on you in the last place you’d expect.

Kellen Grady has known he’s gay since he was a teenager, but he’s never been that interested in dating. A professional pianist, he’s happy spending his days teaching students of all ages and his nights working and playing at an Atlanta bar and concert venue. When former pro football player Terrence Harvey and his brother buy the bar, Kellen’s thrown by the change to his routine, but he develops a quick friendship with Terrence, drawn to his sunny nature and sharp mind. Then their relationship takes a turn when Terrence surprises Kellen with a kiss. The unexpected action, though not unwelcome, leaves Kellen faced with reevaluating everything he thought he knew—about Terrence, and about himself.

All Romance

On sale! Just $0.99 for Tongue & Groove

Now through Wednesday (November 16), pick up a copy of my novella Tongue & Groove for just 99 cents! Blurb:

Sometimes home is what two hearts make of it.

After fifteen years on the road, rock singer Saul Wilder doesn’t know if he remembers how to stay in one place. While healing from a vocal cord injury, he decides to restore the cozy but neglected Atlanta home his grandmother left him. When home renovation specialist Perry Abrams arrives to assess the job, Saul’s on board with mixing business with a little pleasure. The sex is scorching hot, but the more they learn about each other, the deeper they fall emotionally as well. Trouble is, Saul’s a traveling man and Perry’s a homebody, so finding common ground to share could put the brakes on their relationship before it has a chance to get started.

All Romance

And don’t forget the release of Heart & Soul on Monday!


Love can sneak up on you in the last place you’d expect.

Kellen Grady has known he’s gay since he was a teenager, but he’s never been that interested in dating. A professional pianist, he’s happy spending his days teaching students of all ages and his nights working and playing at an Atlanta bar and concert venue. When former pro football player Terrence Harvey and his brother buy the bar, Kellen’s thrown by the change to his routine, but he develops a quick friendship with Terrence, drawn to his sunny nature and sharp mind. Then their relationship takes a turn when Terrence surprises Kellen with a kiss. The unexpected action, though not unwelcome, leaves Kellen faced with reevaluating everything he thought he knew—about Terrence, and about himself.

All Romance

Heart & Soul Links

A quick post to put all the info for Heart & Soul in one place for easy linking. 🙂

Love can sneak up on you in the last place you’d expect.

Kellen Grady has known he’s gay since he was a teenager, but he’s never been that interested in dating. A professional pianist, he’s happy spending his days teaching students of all ages and his nights working and playing at an Atlanta bar and concert venue. When former pro football player Terrence Harvey and his brother buy the bar, Kellen’s thrown by the change to his routine, but he develops a quick friendship with Terrence, drawn to his sunny nature and sharp mind. Then their relationship takes a turn when Terrence surprises Kellen with a kiss. The unexpected action, though not unwelcome, leaves Kellen faced with reevaluating everything he thought he knew—about Terrence, and about himself.

All Romance