Category Archives: rainbow awards

Rainbow Awards Winner On Sale!

HandsOn-900I am excited to announce that my novella bundle Hands On won Best LGBT Anthology/Collection in the 2017 Rainbow Awards. Hands On was also a runner-up (fourth) in the overall LGBT category.

In addition to the judges, I have to give a big shout-out to my editors. Rhonda Merwarth (a RITA Award winner as an editor) was my primary editor for all four novellas, and Tasha L. Harrison also edited Heart & Soul. Thanks so much, ladies!

To celebrate, I’ve dropped the price of Hands On from $5.99 down to $3.99. It’ll take a little time to trickle out to all the sales channels, except PayHip, which is an instant update, so you can grab it there right now.

Hands On contains three full-length (~25,000 words) novellas, three M/M and one F/F. One of the novellas, Tongue & Groove, was a finalist in the 2017 Kathryn Hayes “When Sparks Fly” Contest of the New York City chapter of Romance Writers of America. And the gorgeous cover art is, as all of the individual covers were, by the fabulous AngstyG.

Buy links:

Barnes & Noble
All others

More info:

Four novellas, four couples, four romances.

Rhythm & Blues

When life tears apart your dream, build a new one.

Former Broadway dancer Pate Hawkins meets model-gorgeous contractor Ace Samson when he answers as request for an estimate on renovating his studio space. The two men develop a fledgling relationship, but then the siren song of the stage calls Pate back…

Tongue & Groove

Sometimes home is what two hearts make of it.

While healing from a vocal cord injury, rock singer Saul Wilder decides to restore home his grandmother left him. When home renovation specialist Perry Abrams arrives to assess the job, Saul’s on board with mixing business with a little pleasure…

Heart & Soul

Love can sneak up on you in the last place you’d expect.

Pianist Kellen Grady meets former pro football player Terrence Harvey when he and his brother buy the bar where Kellen plays at night. A quick friendship develops, but their relationship takes an unexpected turn when Terrence surprises Kellen with a kiss…

Graphite & Glitter

All that glitters might just be gold.

On the night of her best friends bachelorette party, architect Adrienne Michaels has a scorching one-night stand with Tessa Smith, bass player for an all-female glam rock tribute band. Then Tessa surprises her by asking her on a real date…

Rainbow Awards: Honorable Mention for Hands On

I woke up to some pretty cool news this morning. My novella bundle Hands On has won an Honorable Mention in the 2017 Rainbow Awards! (In this contest, a score of at least 36 out of 40 from at least one judge earns an Honorable Mention; these awards are separate from the finalist lists.)

Judges’ comments:

1) A well planned anthology, good collection of stories that were long enough to have a real plot development and characters all interesting and stories that had a soid background that make the collection understandable right from the start. I really enjoyed this book.
2) I found myself getting caught up in each individual story. The characters held my interest and I loved finding out about their lives.

Thanks to the judges and to Elisa Rolle for organizing the contest!

Buy links:
Barnes & Noble

Charity Wrap-Up, Birthday Shae-nanigans, and A Spot of Promo

12daysgraphicI finished up my 12 Days of Charity list on Saturday, so be sure to check out the full post and consider the featured organizations in your giving plans for 2015.

I started my birthday celebration early on Saturday with brunch with several friends, and that was a huge amount of fun. I have been well gifted! I’ll have a small giveaway to share on the actual day (tomorrow), so keep an eye out for that.

UnfortunateSon_smallIn addition to the honorable mentions for both Unfortunate Son and Wayward Son in the Rainbow Awards, Unfortunate Son was a finalist and came in fourth place overall in the erotic romance category. Dreamspinner has all its winners on sale for 30% off through the 18th, so if you haven’t picked up Unfortunate Son yet, now’s your chance. 🙂

Also, “Sons and Brothers,” the short story epilogue to the Sons series, is up for pre-order at Dreamspinner Press and AllRomance. It’ll be out on New Year’s Eve, and I’ll have a post at Joyfully Jay that day with a little more about the story, which revisits all seven of the main characters from the series and their relationships.

I also have a few changes in store for 2016. The biggest one will debut in my Outside the Margins post at Prism Book Alliance on Christmas Day, but you can get in on one of them right now. I’ll be starting up a newsletter that’ll give updates on what I have in the pipeline and new releases as they appear. You can sign up right here (or using the link in the sidebar at right).

AllRomance Features Unfortunate Son, plus Rainbow Awards and a Blog Tour

UnfortunateSon_smallFirst up! Unfortunate Son is a Featured Bargain at AllRomance eBooks today: get 50% off! Great time to grab a copy and get started on the series, with book three coming out in just a week.

In other great news, Unfortunate Son, along with the follow-up Wayward Son, received Honorable Mentions in the 2015 Rainbow Awards. (For those who aren’t familiar, an Honorable Mention means that at least one judge awarded 36 or more points out of a possible 40. It’s separate from the final award placement; for example, Playing Ball received an Honorable Mention and then won the category in 2014.)

NobodysSon_600And finally, next Monday I’ll be embarking on a blog tour in support of Nobody’s Son, book three in the Sons series. I’ll kick things off at Prism Book Alliance, and I’ll post the full tour schedule here as well. There’ll be prizes, naturally, so be sure to check back and check out the tour to win! (Great big thanks to William Cooper and IndiGo Marketing & Design for putting the tour together.)

A Major Award! and More Butt Babes

WinnerLGOMG, I am still flailing about this! Playing Ball, the baseball-themed anthology I helped develop with fellow authors Kerry Freeman, Marguerite Labbe, and Kate McMurray, won Best LGBT Anthology/Collection in the Rainbow Awards! We owe a great debt to Dreamspinner Press and Elizabeth North for publishing the book and to Grace McCullough for fabulous editing, as well as to those who nominated for and judged the contest. Woot!

*takes breath*

In other news, the lovely Kage Alan guested at Love Bytes Reviews today to plug our new anthology, Butt Babes in Boyland. He’s giving away a signed copy of the second butts anthology, Butt Ninjas from Hell, so run over and get your entries in!