Blogging at Prism, and All in a Day’s Work Updates!

AllInADaysWork_smallI’m at Prism Book Alliance today, talking about my love affair with food and how it led to “Ice Cream Dreams,” my story in the All in a Day’s Work anthology. Great big thanks to Brandilyn and her team for having me over!

Yesterday, A.J. Cousins visited Boys in Our Books to discuss her story in the anthology, “Dance Hall Days,” a 1930s historical set in London.  She wrote more about her story on her blog, too. One of the things I love about doing anthologies is how different the stories turn out. 🙂

Back on Monday, our release day, Bru Baker visited MM Good Book Reviews, which also gave the antho a lovely review.

Also, in case you missed it, all the buy links for the anthology are up and running now:

Dreamspinner: Ebook and Paperback
Amazon: Kindle
AllRomance: Ebook
Barnes & Noble: Nook

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